Monday, June 7, 2010

How to Form Abstract Nouns

From Common Nouns

Common Noun Abstract Noun

Child childhood

Brother brotherhood

Man manhood

Parent parenthood

Knight knighthood

Neighbour neighbourhood

Mother motherhood

Leader leadership

Member membership

Scholar scholarship

Reader readership

Owner ownership

Friend friendship

King kingship

From Verbs

Verbs Abstract Noun

Know knowledge

Laugh laughter

Marry marriage

Behave behaviour

Compare comparison

Obey obedience

Prosper prosperity

Advise advice

Punish punishment

Describe description

Die death

Lose loss

Sell sale

Think thought

Weigh weight

Move movement

Arrive arrive

Believe belief

Defend defence

Write writing

From Adjectives

Adjectives Abstract Noun

Long length

Strong strength

Great greatness

Kind kindness

Brave bravery

Just justice

Young youth

High height

Active activity

Able ability

Musical music

Beautiful beauty

Hungry hunger

Angry anger

Wise wisdom

Free freedom

Humble humility

Pure purity

Busy busyness

Foolish foolishness

Write writteness

Dark darknees

The following senternces show how Abstract Nouns are used:

Note :The Noun answers the question, “what?”

1. I could not read well when I was a child (common Noun).

I could not read well during my childhood (Abstract Noun: during my what?).

2. I want to be your friend (common Noun)

I want your friendship (Abstract Noun: want my what?).

3. I do not like the way you behave (verb).

I do no like your behavior (Abstract Noun: like your what?)

4. You can have all my money after I die (verb)

You can have all my money after my death (Abstract Noun: after my what?)

5. I cannot advise you? (verb)

I cannot give you any advice (Abstract Noun: any what?)

6. I believe that he is speaking the truth (verb)

It is my belief that he is speaking the truth (Abstract Noun: my what?)

7. The rope is three yards long (adjective)

The length of the rope is three yards (Abstract Noun: the what?)

8. This boy is not strong (adjective)

This boy has not strength (Abstract Noun: no what?)

9. He broke the glass because he was anger (adjective)

He broke the glass out of anger (Abstract Noun: out of what?)

10. He is an able doctor (adjective)

He is a doctor of great ability a (Abstract Noun: of what?)

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