Monday, June 7, 2010

Kinds of Nouns.

There are four main kinds of Nouns, namely, Common Noun, Proper Noun, Abstract Noun and Collective Noun.
A Common Noun is a name which is common to all things or persons of the same kind or class. For example , the name “student” or “friend” does not tell us which student or friend. It is a name that belongs to or shared by all student or friend. It does not give the own name of the person we are talking about. The words “student” and “friend” are therefore called Common Nouns.
Other example of Common Nouns are : boy, teacher, town, village, river, school, girl, uncle, utc.
A Proper Noun is a name that belogs to only one person, place or thing. It is the own name of a person, place or thing. For example, “boy” is a Common Moun. It is a name given to all boys. But “shamir”is a name that does not belong to all boys. It is the name of one boy. Therefore, “Shamir’ is a ProperNoun. In the same way, “Kuala Lumpur” is a Proper Noun.
Other example og Proper Noun are Ahmad, London, Mt. Everest. (Note: A proper Noun always begins with a Capital Letter.)
An Abstract Noun is name of something that we cannot see or touch, but can only feel or think of. It is the name, of a feeling, a quality (that shows how good or bad a persoon or thing is), a condition or an action, e.g. happiness, anger, goodness, beauty, sweetness, sickness, movement, arrival, etc.
A Collective Noun is the name of a number of things or persons taken together as one thing, e.g croed, family, army, school, class, team, flock, feet, etc.

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