Thursday, December 21, 2006

How to stay healthy (my way):


Staying healthy is very important to everyone no matter who we are because if we are unhealthy, we cannot enjoy the gift of life. I am a type of person that is very concern about my health because to me, staying healthy is staying happy! Here are some tips for you on how to stay healthy according to my way:
1) Eat what you think you should be eating and don’t be overeaten and not exercising
2) Exercise everyday if possible
3) Don’t be lazy to exercise (this is the most important factor)
4) Don’t practice yourself to sleep during the time when you believe you should be exercising
5) Never ever think it is too late to exercise and stay healthy, it is not the end of the world pal!
6) Make sure you do not arrange other plan or other unhealthy activities during the time you should exercise especially in the late afternoon after work.
7) Fatness is not the barrier, if you practice healthy lifestyle like exercising, believe me you are far healthier than you might look like.
8) You can eat all the food in the world but you must exercise to make sure the food you ate especially the fat will be burnt as you are sweating.
9) Exercise in groups if possible or you can bring a partner so you will not get bored very easy as this can low your motivation.
10) Consider exercising as one of the main routine in your life and seems like you cannot live without it. This way, you will always drive yourself to exercise everyday.
11) Lastly, enjoy yourself while exercising. Don’t push yourself too hard and always motivate yourself to exercise.

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