Action figure /noun a doll representing a soldier or a char-acter from a film/movie,TV show,ete.
Ad-ver-tor-ial/noun an advertisement that is designed to look like an article in the newspaper or magazine in which it appears.
Af-finity group /noun (especially NAmE) a group of people who share the same interest or purpose.
Airport fiction/ noun (U) novels that are popular and easy to read, often by people at airports
Air quotes/ noun (pl.) imaginary quotation markes made in the air with your fingers when you are speaking, to show that you are using a word or phrasein an unusual way
A-list /adj.(usually before noun) used to describe the group of people who are considered to be the most famos, successful or important:he only invited a-list celebrities to his parties_ compare B-list.
Alpha male/ noun (usually sing.)the man or male animal in a particular group who has the most power.
Anima.tron.ics/ noun(U) the process of making and operating ROBOTS that look like real peo-ple or animals , used in films/ movies and other types of enter-tainment> anima-tron.ic adj.
Apart-hotel/noun a type of hotel that has apartments where you can cook your own meals as well as ordinary hotel rooms.
Atkins diet™/noun adiet in which you eat foods that contain a high level of PROTEIN (meat , eggs chese,etc.) and avoid foods that contain a high level of CARBOHYDRATES (bread,rice ,fruit,etc.)
At;tention deficit disorder (also at,tention, deficit,hyerac;tivity disorder) noun (U)(abbr.ADD,ADHD) a medical condition ,especially in children that makes it difficult for them to pay attention to what they are doing, to stay sill for ong anad to learn thing.
Back-burn-er/ verb(VN)informal, especially NAmE) to leave an idea or a plan for a time, to be done or considered later
Banner d /noun an advertisement across the top or bottom or down the side of a page on the internet.
Base jumping (also base jumping)noun the sport of jumping with a parachute from a high place such as a building or a bridge>base jumpr noun
Bean counter /noun ( informal, disapproving) a person who works with money ,for example as accountant and who wants to keep strict control of how much money a company spends.
Best practice/ noun (uc) a way of doing sth that is seen as a very good example of how it should be done and be copied by other companies or organizations
b-list /adj (usually before noun) used to describe the group of people who are considered to be fairly famous, successful or important, but not as much as the A-list people:a TV chat show full of B- list celebrities
body.board/noun a short light type of surfboard that you ride lying on your front> body-board-ing noun (U) (U)(informal) used to refer to the hindi film/movie industry, which mainly takes place in the Indian city of Mumbai (formeriy called Bombay)
bo.tox9™ noun (U) a substance that makes muscles relax . it is sometimes injected into the skin around sb s eyes to remove line and make the skin look younger.> bo.tox verb (VN) (usually passive):do you think she s been botoxed?
Bounce/noun on the bounce (brE, informal) one after the other, with- out anyting else coming between : we”ve won six matches on the bounce.
Boy band noun a group of young mn who sing pop music and dance.
Bull noun a set of strong mentel bars fixed to the front of a large vehicle to porotect it from damage
Business- to- business adj (usually before noun) (abbr,)done between one business and another than between a business and its ordinary customers
Busted / adj(not before noun ) (name, informal) caught in the act of doing sth wrong and likely tobe punished you are so busted!
Caller ID noun (U) a system that uses a device on your telephone to identify and display telephone number of the person who is colling you.
Cargo pants ( also car.goes)(bre also com bats combat trousers that have pockets in various places, for example on the side of the leg above th knee
CGI/ abbr computer-generated imagery dinosaur combines CGI animation with live-acation shots
Chad/noun the small piece that is removed when a hole is made in a piece of card, etc.
Chip and pin (also chip and pin ) noun a system of paying for sth with a credit card or debit card in which the card has information stored on it in the from of a microchip and you prove your identity by typing a number (your PIN) rather than by signing your name : chip and pin is designed to combat credit card fraud.
Clip art noun (U) (computing) pictures and symbols that are stored in computer programs or on websites for computer users to copy and add to their own documents.
Co depend ency/noun (U)(psychology) a situation in which they rely too much on each other emotionally especially when one person is caring for the other one > co depend ent adj noun.
Com puter ate/ noun = computer-literate: applicants need to be computerate.
Con flct ed/ confused about whatto or choose because you have strong but opposing feeling
Copy/ to send of a letter email message etc that you are sending to sb else can you me in on your report
Crack head/ noun (Siang) a person who uses the illegal drug crack
Cross- selling noun the activityof selling a different extra product to a customer who isalready buying a prouduct from a company.
Cross-trainer noun 1 a
Crusty noun(also crustie) (bre informal) a person who usually has no permanent home has a dirty or untidy appearance and rejects the way that most people live in western society.
Customer base noun(usually sing) (business) all the people who buy or use a particular prouduct or service we need to appeal to a wider customer base.
Dead zone noun
De crypt/ verd (VN) (especially computing) to change information that is in code into ordinary languages so that it can be understood by anyone.
Deep veinthrom bosis noun serious condition caused by a blood clot (= athickmass of blood) forming in a vein passengers on long-haul flights are being warned about the risks of deep vein thrombosis.
Def adj(slang) excellent:a def band.
Di rector;s cut noun a verion of a film/movie, usuallyreleased some time after the original is first shown, that is exactly how the director wanted it to be
Done /adj. done deal an agreement or a plan that has been finally completed or agreed: the merge is by no means a done deal yet
Dot com (also dot-com)noun a company that sells good and services on the internet especially one whose address ends com :the weaker dot-coms have collapsed. A dot – com millionaire.
,double-click/ noun
· Noun/(computing) to choose a particular function or item on a computer screen,etc. by pressing one of the buttons on a mouse twice quickly
· Noun/(computing) data which is downloaded from another computer system
,drum and ‘bass /noun. A type of popular dance music developed in Britain in the early 1990s ,which has a fast drum beat and a strong slower BASS beat.
E’conomy class syndrome/noun. The fact of a person suffering from DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS after they have travelled on a plane. This condition is thought no be more common among people who travel in the cheapest seats because they do not have space to move their legs much.
Eco.tour.ism/noun. Organized holiday/vacations that are designed so that the tourists damage the environment as little as possible ,especially when some of the money they pay is used to protect the local environment and animal.
El Nino/noun. A set of changes in the weather system near the coast of northern Peru n Ecuardor that happens every few years,causing the surface there to become warmer and having severe effects on the weather in many parts of the world.
Emoti.con/noun (computing) a short set of keyboard symbols that represents the expression on sb’s face,used in email, show the feelings of the person sending the message.For example,represts a smilling face (when you look at it sideways).
Empty nester noun (usually pl.) a parent whose children have grown up and home.
Entry-level adj (usually befor noun) 1 (of a product) besic and suitable for new users who may later move on to a more advanced product; an enter-level computer 2 (of a job) at the lowest level in a company
Ex’pansion card (also add-in) noun (computing ) a ciruit board that can beput into a computer to give it more memory or make it able to do more things.
Ex-treme fighting /noun
In sb’s ‘face(name, informal)annoying sb by criticizing them or telling them what to do all the time
Something that is widely accepted as a fact,although it is probably not true 2 a small piece of inter-esting information ,especially about sth that iss not very important;Here’s a pop factoid for you
‘factory shop
(BrE)(also ‘factory store,’factory outlet name,BrE)noun a shop/store in which goods are sold directly by the company that produces them at a cheaper price than normal
Fair-‘trade adj
Involving trade which supports producers in developing countries by paying fair prices and marking sure that workers hve good working condtions and fair pay
‘farmers’ market noun
A place where farmers sell food directly to the public
‘fashion-forward adj
More modern that the current fashion;we tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs
Fash ion ista/noun
(use especially in news-papers)a fashion DESIGNER,or a person who is always dressed in a fashionable way
‘fashion statement noun
Something that you wear or own that is new or unusual and is meant to draw attention to you:this shirt is great for anyone who wants to make a fashion state-ment
‘fence-mending noun
An attempt to improve relations between two people or group and to try to find a solution to a disagreement between them
Float sb’s ‘boat(informal)to be what sb likes :You can listen to whatever kind of music floats your boat.-more at air n.
‘functional food noun
Food that has had substances that are good for your health specially added to it.
Game ‘on (informal)used after sth has happened that makes it clear that acontest is not yet decided and anyone could still win :we were losing 2-0 with ten minutes to go ,and then we scored .it was game on!
Gamer /noun
(informal)1 a person who like playing computer games 2(name)(in sports) a player who is enthusiastic and works hard
‘girl power noun
The idea that women should take control of their careers and lives
Give it up (for sb) (informal) to show your approval of sb by clapping your hand: Give it up for Eddie Izzard!!
,golden ‘goal /noun
(in some football (SOCCER) competitions) the first goal scored during EXTRA TIME, which ends the game and gives victory to the team that scores the goal
[only before noun] (NAmE) used to refer to the person or place that sb goes to for help, advice or information : He’s the president’s go-to guy on Asian politics
GPS/ positioning system (=a system by which signals are sent from SATELLITER to a special device, used to show the position of a person or things on the surface of the earth very accurately
‘graphics card/noun (computing) A CIRCUIT BOARD) that allows a computer to show images on its screen
,green ‘audit/noun an official examination of the effect of a acompany’s business on the environment
Ground.ed/adj. having a sensible and realistic attitude to life: Away from Hollywood, he relies on his family and friends to keep him grounded.
‘hand-free/adj.(of a telephone, etc.) able to be used without needing to be held in the hand
Hi.jab/noun 1 a head covering worn in public by some Muslim women 2 t he religious system which control the wearing of such clothing
‘hissy fit/noun ,usually sing. (informal) a state of being bad tempered and unreasonable.TANTRUM: She threw hissy fit because her dressing room was’t painted blue.
ICT/noun (BrE) the study of the use of computers,the internet, video, and other technology as a subject at school (the abbreviation for ‘information and communications technology’)
In’dustrial-strength/adj. (often humorous) very strong or powerful: industrial-strength coffee [only before noun] between or connected with people of different religions: an interfaith memorial service
‘jioned-up/adj.[usually before noun] (BrE) 1 joined-up writing is writing in which the letters in a word are joined to each other-compared PRINTING 2 intelligent and involving good communication between different parts so that they can work together effectively: We need more joined-up thinking in our approach to the environment.
Kid.ult/noun (informal) an adult who likes doing or buying things that are usually thought more suitable for children
Lad.ette/noun (BrE ,informal) a young woman who enjoys drinking alcohol, spot or other activities usually considered to be typical of young men
Lairy/adj. (BrE, informal) behaving in a way that seems too loud and confidents
La Nina/noun. The cooling of the water in the central and eastern Pasific Ocean that happens every few years and that affects the weather in many parts of the word-compare EL NINO
Large/verb ‘large it|large it ‘up (BrE ,slang) to enjoy yourself, especially by dancing and drinking alcohol
· Adj. (BrE,informal) showing a lack of respect in the way that you spek to sb CHEEKY
· Noun (BrE,informal) =LIPSTICK
lite/adj .(informal) 1 (especially NAmE)(of food or drink) containing fewer CALORIES than other type of food,and therefore less likely to make you fat (a way of speeling ‘light’): lite ice cream 2 (used after a noun) (disapproving) used to say that a things is similar to sth else bit lacks many of its serious or important qualities: I would describe this movie as ‘Hitchcock lite’.
Lack.down/noun (NAmE) a situation in which restrictions are placed on sb’s movements or actions: Prisoners have v=been placed on lockdown to prevent further violence at the jail.
‘loyalty card/noun (BrE) a card given to customers by a shop/store to encourage them to shop there regularly.Each time they buy sth they collect point which will allow them to have an amount of money taken off goods they buy in the future.
Luge/noun 1 a type of SLEDGE (=a vehicle for sliding over ice) for racing, used by one person lying on their bck with their feet pointing forwards 2 the luge [sing]. The event or sport racing down a track of ice on a luge
Make.over/noun. The process of improving the appearance of a person or a place, or of changing the impression that sth gives
Mall.rat/noun (NAmE,informal) a young personwho spends a lot of time in SHOOPING MALLS,often in a large group of friends
,meet-and-‘greet/adj [only before noun] (of an event) arranged to that sb, especially a famous person,can meet and talk to people
‘menu bar/noun (computing) a horizontal bar at the top of a computer screen that contains PULL-DOWN menus such as ‘File’, ‘Edit’, and ‘Help’,
‘message board/noun. A place on a website where a user can write on read messages: I posted a question on the message board.
,me-‘too/adj. [only before noun] (BrE, informal0 done or produced because of sth successful that sb else has done: The magazine ‘Hello!’ gave rise to a number of me-too publications.
Mes.sage/verb (sth) to send a TEXT MESSAGE to sb: Fiona just massaged me. Brian messaged me the news.mes.saging/noun : a multimedia messaging service. Picture messaging (informal) a HETERO-SEXUAL man who lives in a city and is interested in things like fashion and shooping . met.rosex.ual/noun
Min.ging/adj. (BrE,informal) very bad, unpleasant or ugly
Mis.sion/verb (informal) to go on a long and difficult journey, especially one that involves going to many different places: We had to mission round all the bars until we found him.
Monty/noun. The ,full ‘monty the full amount that people expect or want: They’ll do the full monty (= take off all their clothes) if you pay them enough.
Morph/verb 1 to change smoothy from one image to another using computer ANIMATION; to make an image change in this way 2 to change,or make sb/sth change into sth different
Multi.task/verb 1 (of a computer) to operate several programs at the same time 2 to do several things at the same time : Women seems to be able multitask better than men.
Muso/noun (BrE, informal) a person who plays,or is very interested in,music and knows a lot about it
Name/verb ,name and ‘shame (BrE) to publish the names of people or organizations who have done sth wrong or illegal
Need-to-‘knoe/adj on a ,need-to-‘know basis with people being told only the things they need to know when they need to know them, and no more than that: Information will be released strictly on a need-to-know basis.
Neti.quette/noun (informal, humorous) the rules of correct or polite behavior among people using the internet
New.bie/noun (informal) a person who is new and has little experience in doing sth,especially in using computers
,no-‘ (NAmE, informal) a decision or a problem that you do not need to think about much because it is obvious what you should do
No-frills adj (only befor noun ) (especially of a service or product) incuding only the basic features without anything that is unnecessary especially thing added to make sth mor attractive or comfortable: a no-frills airlin.
Nutra ceut ical/ noun = functional food
Off shor ing/ noun (U) the practice of a company in one country arranging for people in another country to do work for it :the offshoring of call-center jobs to india> off shore
Oxygen bar noun a place where you can pay to breathe pur oxygen in order to improve your help you relax.
Paradigm shift noun a great and important change in the way sth in done or thought about.
Pay as you go adj connected with asystem of paying for a service just before you use it rather than paying for it later: pay as you go phones.
Pay channel noun a television channel that you must pay for separately in order to watch it.
Pay per view noun (U) asystem of television broadcasing in which you pay an extra sum of money to watch a particular programme, such as a film/ movie or a sports event.
Peer to peer adj (only befor noun )(computing) (of a computer system)in which each computer can act as a server for the others allowing data to be shared without the need for a central server- compare client- server.
Perfect storm noun (sing) an occasion when several bad things happen at the same time , creating a situation that could not be worse.
Personal trainer noun a per son who is paid by sb to help them exercise, especially by deciding what types of exercise are best for them.
Phat/(slang especially name) very good
Phish ing noun/(U)the activity of tricking people by getting them to give their identity, bank numbers etc.over the internet or by email and then using these to steal money from them.
Pix el ate (also pix el late)/ verb (VN)1 to divid an image into pixels 2 to show an image on television as a small number of large pixels especially in order to hide sb s identity.
Plat eau (out) to say at a st eady lavel after a period of growth or progress: unemployment has at last plateaued out.
Pulg and play noun (computing) a system which makes it possible for a piece of equipment, such as a printer to be connected to a computer and to work immediately, without the user needing to do anyting> plug and play adj. plug and play peripherals.
Pop psy chology/ noun te use by ordinary people of simple or fashionable ideas from psychology in order to understent or explain pepople’s feelings and emotional problems.
Pos.tal (only before noun ) go postal to become very angry: he went postal when he found out.
Power nap noun a short sleep that sb has during the day in order to get back their energy>power nap .
Product placemnt no (UC) the use of particular products in films? Movies or television programmes in order to advertis them.
Pro zac™ /noun a drug used to treat the illness of depression: she”s been on Prozac for two year.
Quad bike (name four wheeler) noun a motorcycle wite four large wheels used for riding over rough ground, often for fun.
Ratchet /to increase or make sth increase, repetedly and by smll amounts: overuse of creadit cards has ratcheted up consumer debt to unacceptable levels.
Rat pack/ noun (sing + sing) journalists and photographers who follow famous peple around in a way which makes their lives unpleasant.
Re ality check /noun (usually sing) (informal)an occasion when you are rminded of ho thing are in the orld rather then how you would like things to be.
Red line/ noun an issue or deman that one person or group refuses to change their opinion about during a disagreement or negotiations, the issue of soversignty is red line then connot be crpssed.
Res pons time /noun the length of tim that a person or system takes to react to sth: the average response time to emergency calls was 9 minutes.
Retail park/ noun an area containing a group of large shops/ stores. Located outside a town.
Retail therapy /noun (usually humorous) the act of going shopping and buyin thing in order to make yourself feel more cheerful : I was ready for a little retail therapy.
Re verse engi neerin g/noun the copying of another company’s product after examining it carefully to find out how it is made.
Right size/ (business) to change the size of a company in order to reduce costs especiakky by reducing the number of employees.
Ring tone/ noun the sound a telephone makes when sb is calling you. Ringtones are often short tunes, and the word is especially used to refer to different sounds mobile phones/cellphones make when they ring.
Rocket science/noun
It’s not ‘rocket science (informal) used to emphasize that sth is easy to do or understand.BRAIN SURGERY: Go on,you can do it. It’s not exactly rocket science,is it?
Sa’lami slicing /noun (informal) the act of removing sth gradually by small amounts at a time (especially in Japan) a WHITE COLOUR WORKER (= one who works in an office)
‘same-sex/ adj[only before noun] 1 of the same sex: The child’s same sex parent acts as a role model. 2 involving people of the same sex;a same-sex relationship
Seasonal af’fective disorder/r noun (abbr. SAD) a medical condition in which a person feels sad and tired during late autumn/fall and winter when there is not much light from the sun
‘sell-through/ noun (business) the number of items of a particular product that a shop/store manages to sell to customers compared to the number it bought to sell: The average sell-through rate for these magazines is 35-38%.
Shed.load/noun (of sth) (BrE , informal) a large amount of sth,especially money: The project cost a shed-load of money . This should save you shedloads.
‘shock jock/noun (informal,especially NAmE) a DISC JOCKEY on a radio show who deliberately expresses opinion or uses language that many people find offensive
‘sick ‘building syndrome/ noun a condition that affects people who work in large offices,making them feel tired and causing headaches,sore eyes and breathing problems,thought to be caused by,for example,the lack of fresh air or by chemicals in the air
‘silver ‘surfer /noun (informal) an old person who spends a lot of time using the internet
Sim/noun (informal) a computer or video game that SIMULATES (=artificially creates the feeling of experiencing) an activity such as flying an aircraft or playing a sport
‘SIM CARD /noun a plastic card inside a mobile phone/cellphone that stores personal information about the person using the phone (SIM is the abbreviation of ‘subcriber identification module’)
Shanky/adj.(informal, especially NAmE) very unpleasant (NAmE, informal) a small laboratory or department of a large company used for doing new scientific research or developing new products
Slap.head/noun (BrE, informal) an unkind way of referring to a man with little or no hair on his head
Snarf/verb (informal, especially NAmE) to eat or drink sth very quickly or in a way that people think is GREEDY: The kids snarfed up all the cookies.
‘soccer mom /noun (NAmE, informal) a mother who spends a lot of time taking her children to activities such as sports and music lessons,uses as a way of referring to a typical mother from the MIDDLE CLASSES.
The ‘species barrier /noun.the natural system which is throught to prevent disease spreading from one type of animal or plant to another
‘squeegee merchant /noun (BrE, informal) a person who cleans the front windows of cars that have stopped in traffic and then asks the driver to pay them money,even if the driver did not want them to do it.
‘stealth tax /noun (BrE ,disapproving) a new tax that is collected in way that is not very obvious, so people are less aware that they are paying it
‘sunset industry /noun an old industry that has started to become less successful
‘team player /noun a person who is good at working as a member of a team, usually in their job
Taser/noun a gun that fires DARTS that give a person a small electric shock and makes them unable to move for a short time
Techie (also techy)noun (informal) a person who is expert in or enthusiastic about technology, especially computers (informal, disapproving) words or expressions connected with computers and technology that are difficult for ordinary people to understand
Tele.port/verb (usually in SCIENCE FICTION)to move sb/sth immediately from one place to another a distance away, using special equipment; to be moved in this way: The search party was teleported down to the planet’s surface.
,third ‘way /noun. A course of ction or political policy that is between two extreme positions
‘trial balloon/ noun something that you say or do to find out what people think about a course of action before you take it
‘trip hop/ noun a type of popular dance music, which is a mixture of HIP HOP and REGGAE, has a slow beat, and is intended to create a relaxed atmosphere
‘trophy wife noun (informal, disapproving0 a young attractive woman who is married to an older man and thought of as trophy (=sth that shows that you are successful and impresses other people)
Tween/noun a sport that combines different styles of fighting such as BOXING, WRESTLING and MARTIAL ARTS and in which there are not many rules
Up.load verb noun
· Verb (computing) to move data to a large computer system from a smaller one
· Noun (computing) data that has been moved to a large computer system from a smaller one
Up.time/noun. The time during which a machine,especially a computer, is working
‘wake-up call /noun 1 a telephone call that you arrange to be made to you at a particular time,for example in a hotel,in order to wake you up: Iasked for a wake-up call at 6.30a.m. 2 an event that makes people realize that there is a problem that they need to do sth about: These riots should be a wake –up call for the government.
Webli.og.raphy/noun a list of websites or electronic works about a particular subject that have been used by a person writing an article, etc: a Poe webliography. A selected webliography on new Irish poetry
Web.log/noun a website that belongs to a particular person and where they write about things that interest them and list other websites that they think are interesting
,win-‘win adj [only before noun] (of situation) in which there is a good result for each person or group involved: This is a win-win situation all around.
Wrap.arounds/noun. A pair of SUNGLASSES that fit closely and curve round the sides of the head A spot in which sb is put inside a large transparent plastic ball which is then rolled along the ground or down hills
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