Friday, December 24, 2010

MUET Top 5 Tips

MUET stands for Malaysian University English Test. It is a requirement taken seriously by those students who are going to further their diploma or certificates to degree level. The test compromises crucial skills namely Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Below are the top 5 tips in order the MUET candidates to excel in the important test.
1. Read a lot of English reading materials such as English newspapers, magazines and books to enrich our knowledge in the target language. This would be really helpful during the Writing test.
2. Join extra/ tuition classes related to the MUET test itself because candidates will know what they are taking and what they should do during the real test sometimes in the future.
3.Practice speaking a lot with your friends as it can help candidates during the Speaking Assessment and can reduce the nervous feeling.
4. Practice listening to English songs/ conversation related activities and try to convey the meaning as it can helps in Listening test.
5. Keep on focus as a good focus can help candidates in learning better.

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