Wednesday, July 11, 2012

MUET Listening Practice Answer Key for Practice 17- 22 (Part 3)

Practice 17: Mobilecom / times Spot the not contest / Birding

15.  enjoying Mobilecom’s mobile telephone service
16.  having trouble keeping  track
17.  participate in the contest
18.  give any prior notice if
19.  taking up birding for
20.  become acquainted with the birds

Practice 18: briefing / traffic announcement / History of clock

15. everything is ready by seven
16. pay for the drinks themselves
17. work is in progress
18. vehicles from Petaling Jaya to Kajang
19. mechanisms that measure time
20. the driving mechanisms

Practice 19: announcement / Harvest Festival / Lim Goh Tong

15. who are interested in joining
16. a set of training jersey’s
17. rice is harvested
18. the most easily recognizable future
19. his wisdom and courage
20. build a hilltop resort

Practice 20: Remark by a caller / an instruction / part of an interview.

15. conscious of their surroundings.
16. suggested that having environmental studies.
17. reside in a constituency.
18. on the electoral roll.
19. train harder for more success.
20. motivated her to win.

Practice 21: Advertisement / news article / part of a talk

15. Sylvan Learning will be guaranteed
16. instill knowledge and confidence
17. to smash the display cabinet
18. the shutters coming down
19. people are provoked
20. a way to minimize stress

Practice 22: An announcement/ News Article/ A Discussion

15. Having adoption program
16. Abandoned and mistreated companion animals
17. Family members
18. Take orders for cup cakes
19. Survival of our future generation.
20. They don’t harm the environment.

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