Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Basic Transition Words

To connect first paragraph to second:

¨      To begin with,
¨      In the first place,
¨      Firstly,
¨      The first reason…

To connect the second paragraph to the third:

¨      Additionally,
¨      Another reason why,
¨      Secondly,
¨      Next,
¨      Pursuing this further,
¨      Also,

To connect the third paragraph to the fourth:

¨      Lastly,
¨      Yet another reason why,
¨      In the same way…
¨      Pursuing this further…
¨      One last reason why…
¨      Also,
¨      Thirdly,

To connect the body to the conclusion (fourth to fifth)

¨      In conclusion
¨      To sum it all up,
¨      To summarize,
¨      In final analysis
¨      You can see why…
¨      Finally,
¨      To wrap it all up,
¨      Therefore,

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