Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Internet Slang: A- D

Internet Slangs are actually acronyms that are widely used in internet communication especially in social network provider for example Yahoo Messenger, Twitter, Friendster and MySpace. They are nothing more than the simplest way to say long words/ sentences by using only few words but first we must understand and memorize these slangs so that we will not get confused of what other people are typing. Below are some famous slangs used in the net alphabetically.
A C? - AH! SI?
AAF - As A Friend
ACRONYMS - A Crazy Roundup Of Nonsense You Must See.
ADAD - "Another Day Another Dollar
ADIH - Another Day In Hell
ADIP - Another Day in Paradise
AEAP - As Early As Possible
AFAICR - As far as I can recall / remember
AFAICS - As far as I can see
AFAICT - As far as I can tell
AFAIK - As far as I know
AFAP - As Far As Possible
AFK - Away from keyboard
ASAP - As soon as possible
ASL or A/S/L - Age / sex / location
ASLP or A/S/L/P - Age, sex, location, picture
ATEOTD - At The End of the Day
ATM - At the moment
AWOL - Absent Without (Official) Leave
AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) - w: All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)

B2B - Business to Business
B2C - Business to Customer
B4 - Before
BBIAB - Be back in a bit
BBQ - Barbecue. While not internet slang in itself, it is often combined with other initialisms as a point of satire, absurdity, or a non-sequitur. For example OMG WTF BBQ.
BBL/BBS - Be back later / shortly / soon
BCNU - Be seein' you
BFF - Best Friends Forever
BFN - Bye For Now
blog - Also known as web log or an online journal
BOFH - Bastard operator from hell
bot - Any type of automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software
BRB - Be right back
BSOD - Blue Screen of Death
BTDT - Been there done that
BTW - By the way[8]
bump - Increment (For example, C's ++ operator.) or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"

CMIIW - Correct me if I'm wrong.
crawl - To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it
crapplet - A poorly written computer application
CU - See you (later)
CYA - See ya OR Cover Your Ass
cyber- (prefix) - A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world of computers or the Internet or sex over a computer
cyberspace - Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds of computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world of computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes 'jacked into'

DFTT - Don't feed the trolls
DIAF - Die in a fire
DILLIGAF/D/S - Does it look like I give a flip / fuck / damn / shit
D/L - Download
DND - Do not disturb
DOA - Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that is broken on delivery.

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