Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Internet Slang: E- H

EOF - End of File
EOM - End of Message
EOL - End of Life. Device or hardware that is at the end of its product life cycle.[6] - End of Line.
EQ - EverQuest
ETA - Estimated time of arrival

FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FFS - For fuck's sake
flamer - Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensive comments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll
FMCDH - From My Cold Dead Hands
FML -Fuck my life.
FOAD - Fuck off and die
FOAF - Friend of a friend
FTFY - Fixed that for you
FTL - For the loss
FTW - For the win
FTW? - Fuck the what? (reversal of WTF?, implies increased confusion)
FU - Fuck you
FUBAR - Fucked up beyond all recognition / repair (from military slang; pronounced "foo-bar")
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread of misinformation)
FWIW - For what it's worth
FYI - For your information

GBTW - Get back to work
GF - Great/good fight
GFU - Good for you
GFY - Go fuck yourself
GG - Good game, used at or near the conclusion of a gaming match
GGS - Good games
GJ - Good job, often used in online gaming when a teammate performs an act benefitting his team, such as killing an opponent or enabling that kill
GL - Good luck, used before commencing a game
GMTA - Great minds think alike
Godwin's Law - Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler
gratz - Congratulations
GTFO - Get the fuck out
GTG or G2G - 'Got to go' or 'Good to go'
GR - Good Race

HAND - have a nice day
handle - Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name)
HF - Have fun
haxor or H4x0r (1337) - Hacker
hit - A request made to the web server, (noun) the results of an internet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent to visitors of a webpage.
home page - The website's introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index"
hot list - A collection of publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files.
HTH - Hope this / that helps

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