Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Strength, Weaknesses and Goals as a Student by Sathiasegkaran a/l Muthumanickam

As a fourth semester student in Polytechnic Kuching Sarawak, I have learned a lot about myself and what I want in life. Some of these insights have come in the form of self-realization; that is, as a mortal, imperfect human being as others, I have found several strengths and weaknesses concerning my life that were not revealed until Petrochemical Engineering Department opened its doors almost 2 years ago for me. In this section, I will try to examine and discuss these strengths and weaknesses, and conclude with my goals for the rest of this semester. The goals which I have will help me to eliminate my weak points and will help to improve my strengths.
Weakness in a person can be defined as a lack of strength, a self-indulgent want, fragility, or as an inadequate or defective quality in something, such as a person’s character. Every person has weaknesses in their personality that can either be a point that they every single moment attempt to improve, or something that bruises the ego when brought up in a conversation. As we are the young students of university, we find out our weaknesses really quickly into the work experience. Honestly speaking just for myself, I found out mine within the first week.
One weakness that I found out quickly was that I have an embarrassing addiction to sleeping a lot in the morning, and this seriously hurts me because I have lessons that start at either 7.30 or 8 o’clock, depending on the day of the week, in the previous year they started even earlier at 8:00a.m. I have been always a night person, and find that my creativity and brain output is highest and at best quality in the early hours of the morning. Since I began the life in polytechnic, I’ve gone to bed around 1:00 to 2:00, and since my second semester, even later. This final semester, I did often stay up all the night with my friends either playing cards, computer games, watching movies, or some other activity that would require me going to bed around 5:00 in the morning and sleeping until 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. after which I would repeat the whole cycle. Because of this, my body clock was severely altered, and I am still trying to get myself accustomed to waking up at 9:00 in the morning. Staying up until 2:00 in the morning and then getting up early enough to go to the lesson is a hard chore, and sometimes I wake up, turn my alarm off, then knowing that I shouldn’t, go back to sleep . This, I would say, is my biggest weakness as a student, and also the flaw which I do the least to try and prevent.

Laziness is also one of the most unbreakable weaknesses that I find in myself. Almost as much as procrastination, my laziness contributes to when I actually do my studies, take out the garbage, etc. However, this is the one weakness that I can truly say that I am actively trying to improve in my life, and I have made some strides. But even so, there are often times when I just to say forget it, and don’t do my studies, go to the lesson, attend group meetings, etc.
Even though procrastination is one of my larger flaws, I always attempt to be a diligent worker, no matter if it's at 2:00 in the afternoon or in the morning. Every time that I do a project or a course work, ensuring that I turn in the best work possible is very important to me, and if I feel that what I present is not of the good quality, I revise the work until satisfied with this. Being confident in the quality of the work is an important virtue, mainly because if you do a half job on your assignment, you should expect a grade for that quality of work. Although I don’t strive for straight 30, mainly to help suppress the high level of stress that is usually upon my shoulders, I do want to achieve at least a 25 average, so I try to do as good a job as I possibly can do.
Moreover, I have found that one of my major weaknesses is the fact that I become really stressed quite easily. As the final examination is nearing, it’s doubled the stressed I’ve been through. Plenty of assignments have been given and meanwhile I need to study as well to score in the final paper to achieve my goal for my admission in the University of Technology PETRONAS on 16th January 2010.

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