Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Personal Goals That I Want to Achieve by Sathiasegkaran a/l Muthumanickam

I am excited to be back at Polytechnic again. One might ask “Why?” My answer would be this, “Why not?” - I may now achieve some of my personal goals in life as a student of Polytechnic Kuching Sarawak. Personal growth, success in the engineering field and an eagerness for a new life adventure are the goals that I want to achieve as a student. Let’s step back in time a little bit. My first goal was to get enrolled in an undergraduate program at local University but unfortunate I wasn’t able to get a place. It was difficult to decide which or where should I go to achieve my goals as a professional engineer in the future. Do I want to follow a career in any technical field or do I want to obtain a degree in another field? I have asked myself many times how in the world will I juggle my family life, work and a student life. Anyway, I succeeded in enrollment! I’ve obtained a place in Polytechnic Kuching Sarawak to pursue Certificate in Petroleum Engineering even though it’s not a degree which I wished for. That was one step towards reaching my goal. But what’s next? After two weeks of class, I am now asked myself for what I am going to be in the 10 years’ time. Time is running fast, as it is not looking back at me. Why is it so important to have personal goals to achieve a degree? Because, education allows the adult learner to learn about his/her self, learn about others and learn to be more self-oriented towards the meaning of life and the world which are enormously challenging.
My expectations, as a student of Polytechnic Kuching Sarawak, are to obtain my certificate while opening my mind to a new world of adventure and challenges. Other personal goals are to achieve personal growth along with the ability to apply my educational experiences to a real-life work environment. I am confident that I will achieve these personal goals. I believe that my knowledge, experience, skills and determination will assist me in obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree which I will enroll on the 16th January 2010 in University of Technology PETRONAS. This is success and achievement!

The lack of a degree today is viewed as limiting a person’s capabilities to handle upward movement in a company. No matter what a person’s experiences have been in life - if that person doesn’t have a degree, they are passed over for promotions, bonuses, etc. A couple of months ago, my manager which I have done my industrial training in his company told me that I would need a Bachelor’s Degree for him to consider me for a product manager position in our company. It doesn’t matter that I perform a lot of a product manager’s responsibilities now; he said that I need the degree. My intent is to achieve numerous goals while attending University of Technology PETRONAS. My first goal is to obtain the degree in order to move upward at PETRONAS Company as a petroleum engineer. Will I earn my degree while maintaining my career and personal life? I plan on it.
When I was in high school more than 7 years ago, my parents’ wishes were that my siblings and I would attend college. I asked myself, Can I do as my parents’ wishes? Now, here I am doing my final semester and will be joining the University soon for pathway to obtain the degree as I dreamed until now.

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