Monday, July 5, 2010

Travels Do Teach People a Lot

When we move to one place to another it is known as a travel or travelling. Travel creates time frame, new experience and as time passing by, we see all the things and peoples that we have never seen and met before, whether we like it not. It could be interesting, boring, saddening, surprising and full of lesson but that’s life and it will always remain that way.

Well travels do teach me a lot about life. Even though I have been there before, living and participating in the society that I am familiar with, there will always something that give me the revelation even to the minor things. You know when you are travelling to a place after a really long time, suddenly everything seems so unreal, like nothing else matters.

Anything that I can touch, smell and see seem not as important as the life itself, the feeling of being there myself and enjoying the moment of being a human, breathing the air and not thinking of others. Nothing is important no matter what it is or who they are.

I see changes, I experienced changes in everyone that I know, that’s a big matter to me. I see the reflection of myself as I see them because I was so close to them like I know them more than I know my own family. It is really nice to see changes for some times, it’s good to see development in someone that you knew. It’s how you understand things, not on how you see them, and when you combine both; seeing and understanding, you will get a perfect point of view from the perfect angles, corners, and most importantly perspectives.

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