Sunday, June 24, 2012

Broken But Not Forgotten

A few months ago my laptop was broken due to it’s long service, to be more specific more than 4 years service to me especially towards my full time day job, my writing and my contribution in ESL learning and teaching world dedicated in my ESL and more blogspot. Well nowadays we can purchase a personal computer at a very reasonable, affordable and cheap price. Only we can decide what we can get or give out of the technology that has been provided right in front of our very eyes. One great way is by using our writing that can be presented in the cyber world and get ourselves known to the world or should I say at least I can contribute something to the cyber society.

People say that we can judge a person from their looks and maybe the looks of their laptop. I guess you can start guessing what kind of person I am from the appearance of my laptop now, hahaha.

Now I'm using a new laptop and I can proudly say that this is my first post with this laptop and I hope there will be more coming after this. Well I am very much interested in posting something that in a form of information and knowledge sharing for example MUET and English Language Learning and Teaching related posts since I am  a teacher but time is really the constraints. All I can say is I will try my best to post something useful that can be shared with all of you out there.

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